BCI Media Services Blog
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8 Creative Ways to Use Video Marketing
In today’s marketing world, video marketing has become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audiences, increase brand visibility, and drive conversion rates. Recent statistics show that 87% of marketing professionals use video as a critical marketing...
Why Facebook Page Likes are Important
If you use Facebook to share and engage with your customers, you’ve definitely wondered about your page likes. Does having more Facebook page likes necessarily mean you're a better business? Do page likes actually make your business more effective? The answer is yes,...
How Facebook’s News Feed Changes Will Affect your Marketing Strategy
Changes are coming to Facebook Change is constant, especially when Facebook is the subject. Since the introduction of Facebook in 2004, many changes have been made to the social media platform: The News Feed was first introduced in 2006 and since then...
Which Digital Marketing Product is Right for Your Business
By Tiona Eversole, Content Marketing Agent Digital Marketing Solutions Our Digital Marketing Solutions are the best option for your business! It doesn't matter if you are looking to build your brand online or simply don’t have time to maintain your Facebook page, we...
Facebook Ads: Ditch the Boosted Post for Optimal Results
By Tiona Eversole, BCI Media Services Content Fulfillment Agent The market for Facebook advertising is rapidly growing, and it’s crucial that your business stay ahead of the game with your ads strategy. More than 60 million businesses have a Facebook page, however,...
Where are Your Clients? That’s Where You Need To Be
By Claudia Laws, BCI Media Services Marketing & Communications Manager Is your business meeting your clients where they are? As a digital marketing agency, we hear over and over again things like, “Well, I don’t get (fill in the social app here) so I don’t...
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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”
– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results