BCI Media Services Blog
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What Are Core Web Vitals?
Google just added a feature to its search engine –one that could affect your bottom line. Remember when webpages loaded line by line? Yeah, good riddance to the days of dial-up internet. Today, we enjoy the instant gratification of high-speed internet, and users...
Is Your Business Mobile Ready?
We are living in the age of the small business owner, and what a wonderful age it is. It has never been easier to get an idea off the ground and into the marketplace. While this is a great opportunity for people to get their goods and services to consumers, it also...
Consistency is Key: Building Trust with Your Customers!
When it comes to building a business, finding customers who continue to come back, again and again, is one of the biggest keys to success, ie building trust. Getting your customers to come back means starting with some basics to give them a reason to come back for...
Today’s Hottest Trends for Marketing Video Content
When it comes to video trends and online video advertising, you can't go wrong with seeing what the top companies are doing. Google, Facebook, and YouTube have been in this game for a while now. If their decision-makers are leaning a certain way in terms of marketing...
4 Quick Tips for Sharing Video Content
When you’re creating a video marketing strategy, you want to create something that brings people to your website and introduces them to your brand. Creating shareable videos drives viewers to your website and your social media profiles, while also building a rapport...
Reach Out and Grab Viewers with Engaging Video Content
Driving traffic to a website involves a variety of methods, one of which is an exchange of information. While text is one way to impart this data, there are other ways that are often infinitely more engaging with an audience. Online video marketing is an exciting and...
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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”
– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results