BCI Media Services Blog

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5 Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2021

5 Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2021

New Year’s resolutions may feel a bit cliche for a business. But setting goals is essential for improvement, especially after this last year. After all, there is not much more we care to say about 2020.  BCI Media understands that many of the marketing...

Top Three Ways to Make Your Blog Shine

Blogs are one of the Internet's favored platforms for sharing information. From their humble origins as personal "web logs," or online journals, they have come into their own as a way for just about anyone to reach a committed audience consistently. However, unless...

Marketing 101: Your Business Needs A Blog

These days, having a website is almost a prerequisite to owning a business. The same can be said about having a blog. However, there are pitfalls, and they can be bad. A well-maintained and regularly updated blog can make you an authority, whereas sites with poorly...

Digital Marketing Versus Traditional Media: The Battle That Isn’t

Digital marketing and traditional media have long been portrayed as being at odds with one another. But should we really say out with the old and in with the new? While digital marketing methods have definitive advantages over traditional methods, a healthy...


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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”

– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results