BCI Media Services Blog

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How to Overcome Email Marketing Fatigue

How to Overcome Email Marketing Fatigue

At BCI Media, we know email marketing is powerful. But sometimes the emails just aren't being opened. They call it email marketing fatigue, and yes it’s a real thing. It happens when a recipient becomes more willing to delete, unsubscribe or mark emails as spam...

Does Your Company Have a Content Marketing Niche?

Every local business needs a way to draw in new customers without feeling as though they are constantly advertising. Effective content marketing can provide useful information to your target base and draw them to your business. Content marketing is when you focus your...

Small Business Spring Cleaning Tips

Everyone has heard of spring cleaning for homes. But, what about your business? It's the perfect time to get organized, dust off your files, and look at how you can make your business grow. Clean the Clutter As you would for your home, get rid of useless items such as...

How to Build an Effective Small Business Website

Small businesses need a website–and a good one, at that. Establishing a solid web presence will help people discover and pay attention to your brand. Of course, you want to make sure your website is attracting attention for the right reasons. While an expertly...

3 Reasons Your Site Needs to Be Mobile-Friendly

If you have a smartphone or tablet, chances are you've searched for a website on your device while on the go or, let's face it, on your couch. You may have noticed one of two things: either your experience was successful or the site was completely unusable, so you...

How to Get Your Small Business Mobile Ready

As a small business, staying competitive is what will keep you afloat. Your website's user experience plays a huge role in your endeavor to be a competitive, successful small business. Today, people browse and shop on their smartphones and tablets more than they do on...


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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”

– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results