A push message or push notification is a notification or alert from an app that is not actively in use. They can be very effective for businesses looking to alert customers (and potential customers) to specials, new products, appointments and other information. Like text messages, push notifications have high open rates and demonstrated success conveying valuable marketing information.
Push Message vs. Text Message
Push messaging and text messages are very similar in that they both display an alert on the user’s phone. One major difference is that push notifications originate from an app, so the user has to have a smartphone to receive the push message. According to data from comScore, smartphone penetration rates are about 80 percent in the U.S., making this less of an obstacle. If, however, the business is targeting elderly customers, push messages might not be ideal since smartphone use is low among that demographic. Text messages are also charged on a per-message basis, so companies with large messaging lists might find it expensive sending out a business text to every contact.
Advantages of Push Messaging
Because push messages deliver through apps on users’ phones, they can drive app usage. Further, users on Android or Apple can opt in or out of the notifications they wish to see, avoiding junk folders and getting messages in front of users immediately. Ultimately, push messaging is a straightforward and effective way to engage customers. While push messaging may seem like a new frontier, it is as easy to use as social media or email marketing, but with the advantage of popping up directly on a customer’s phone without them opening the app.
Successful use of push notification marketing requires a strong understanding of the technology as well as the business’ target demographic. BCI Media Services has been in the media business for over 65 years thanks to a winning combination of technological expertise and local knowledge. We help businesses harness the power of new push notification marketing to engage, entice, and retain customers. Learn more about our content marketing services and how we can help you meet your audience.