Boost Your Local Business with Quality Facebook Content

Jun 15, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 2.28.03 PMLocal businesses seeking to maximize their marketing budgets need to take advantage of Facebook content marketing as a way to attract new customers.

Why is Facebook Important?

With more than 1.4 billion users and 900 million visits a day, Facebook is an effective way for local businesses to boost their brand awareness and reach a larger number of potential customers. Engaging photos, fresh stories, and digital ads can drive potential customers to your company through liking your posts and pictures, clicking onto your website, and contacting you for more information. These content marketing strategies can provide an added boost to your small or medium sized business.

Advantages for Your Business

Facebook provides a platform for local businesses to set up a company page to inform users of their services and products, allowing your company to engage with thousands of nearby users. It also provides potential customers with an easy way to verify information about what you do, as well as to find answers to frequently asked questions, such as location, hours, and contact information. You can directly interact with your customers by immediately responding to customers’ questions and concerns. Facebook content marketing can involve sharing new products and services, posting links from your blog or website, and offering special promotions and coupons.

Strategies That Work

As part of our Social Media Management package, BCI Media Services can help your local business boost its Facebook presence through Facebook content marketing strategies that keep your business profile fresh and relevant. Such services may include frequent postings that keep your company in the forefront of peoples’ minds, and increasing the chances of new customers using your services or products when they are in need. Additional ways to boost your local business include the generation of content that relates to the trending news topics that Facebook users are actively reading and posting about, as well as the inclusion of custom photos to attract new viewers. These targeted advertising strategies can be directed both to those within your local market and to individuals having interests that match those of your company. With Facebook content marketing, you can make sure that your Facebook followers are those who are the most likely to seek out your business.

BCI Media Services will work closely with your local business to develop the strategies necessary to reach your specific customer base. Contact us today to get started.