BCI Media Services Blog

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4 Benefits Of An Effective Blog Post

4 Benefits Of An Effective Blog Post

While there are more than 4 benefits of an effective blog post, blogging is an integral part of any companies' digital marketing strategy. It boosts website traffic, generates new leads, and increases brand awareness. Maintaining...

Take Control of Your Business’ Online Listings!

Help Your Customers Find Your Business Online   Taking control of the online listings for your business is one of the most important, yet most overlooked steps in getting found online. Advertisements are great, and catch attention when the attention is needed....

Facebook Advertisements Quick Guide: Promote Vs Boost

In this day and age, when people's faces seem permanently glued to their phones and tablets, social media marketing is an essential tool for promoting your business. With more than 1.71 billion users, roughly 24% of the entire planet, Facebook is the most popular...

So What Is An Online Presence?

In the Age of the Internet, consumers assume that they will be able to find information on the products and services that they want. If a company's online presence is lacking, consumers are more likely than ever before to take their business elsewhere. So What's The...

Why It Is Essential to Optimize Photos for Website Use

Images on your website can make a huge difference in how visitors respond to your online presence. They can be used to break up text, giving readers something other than a page of words to stare at. In order for the images to be effective, they must be used...


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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”

– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results