BCI Media Services Blog
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Marketing Strategy 101
By now, most business owners know that they need a marketing strategy, but many are unsure just where to start and what elements to prioritize. After all, marketing is complex, and it encompasses a lot of different moving parts. As a result, developing a comprehensive...
Deciphering the Facts about Facebook Video Analytics
With over 1.79 billion active users per month, Facebook is one of the most reliable social media platforms that you can use to market products and services. High-quality videos that describe your business can help you to generate more sales. However, you need to have...
5 Tips for Snapping Shareworthy Smartphone Photos to Boost Social Media Presence
The art of social media marketing is to convey a company's message to a target audience. Compelling images that express a company's product, services, staff, or industry tell a story that words often cannot. These five tips can help turn a smartphone into a primary...
Get Your Keyword Strategy Figured Out Before Writing Website Content
One of the most important ways to bring visitors to your website is to create a smart keyword strategy. It's the first step to optimizing website content for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). A strategy should be pinned down well before any content is written. Why Is...
Steps for Updating the Meta Tag on a WordPress Website
Meta tags are basic descriptions of websites that must be short and concise; give information about a website; including keywords, the author, or business name; and have a call to action. With the default installation of WordPress, a website will not have a Meta tag....
The Google Wave: Potential Google Algorithm Updates in 2017
The year 2017 is right around the corner, which means changes may be coming to the world of online marketing. If Google algorithm updates from 2016 are any indication of what 2017 will look like, then mobile-friendly websites will continue to overpower the use of SEO...
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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”
– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results