Used correctly, social media can be an effective way to reach consumers or broaden a company’s base. However, the oft-confusing world of Facebook and Twitter can overwhelm some business owners, which leads to mistakes. Avoid these blunders to stay relevant and keep your marketing campaigns strong.
1. Posting Frequency
Finding a happy medium for posting on various platforms is crucial. While sporadic and infrequent posting won’t engage readers, posting too much can also be a big turn off for many people. Using Facebook effectively should involve at least one post a day but not more than five. It’s also important to spread these updates out. Other platforms with a faster-moving feed can probably tolerate more activity. For example, Twitter frequency can range between 10 and 15 updates per day. Some business owners use apps to automate posting, which can help with finding time to update platforms.
2. Acknowledge Queries
Customers have learned to use social media platforms to ask questions and resolve problems. While business owners may not prefer this forum for customer service, ignoring these queries is a major mistake. Not only is the customer in question waiting for help, other consumers are also watching to see how the company responds. Answering questions and solving issues in a timely manner demonstrates attentive service and a problem-solving mentality, which will resonate with customers.
3. Incorrect Location
Consumers often use social media to find local businesses. Social media platforms with incorrect map markers or addresses can result in lost local sales. To get the most out of organic searches from people in a local area, check map markers to ensure accuracy.
4. Add some Value
While it can be tempting to keep engagement light and fluffy, this won’t win customers in the end. To really connect with consumers, businesses must show that they’re serious with content that demonstrates industry expertise and professional knowledge.
Instead of being spread thin over multiple social media platforms, business owners would do better by mastering one site and figuring out how to make it work with a client base.