In the Age of the Internet, consumers assume that they will be able to find information on the products and services that they want. If a company’s online presence is lacking, consumers are more likely than ever before to take their business elsewhere.
So What’s The Big Deal About An Online Presence?
At the most basic level, a company’s online presence is a compilation of all identities and interactions associated with the business. This could include a website with an e-storefront, a blog with content and information, and social media accounts where representatives interact directly with consumers. Social media platforms also serve to drive traffic to company websites. As an online presence builds, a company raises brand awareness, which is important for successful marketing. Brand awareness is essentially the process of consumers learning about a company, and beginning to associate the brand with specific services and products.
Why Companies Need This Exposure
To remain relevant and competitive within a specific niche, businesses must be present and active on the Internet. At the most basic, a company must have a website that provides an overview of the products or services offered and a way to contact the company. Offering this information on the web makes it accessible for people who may be searching for a specific type of business to call or locate your business with questions.
Building An Online Presence
The best place to begin when creating your company’s online presence is through a website. With a website as a foundation for the business, everything else drives traffic back to this point. Navigating the site should be simple, and it’s helpful to provide some content that establishes the business as reputable and authoritative.
Some professionals opt to publish a blog in connection with a company website, which can be an ideal place to provide content that consumers want. Allowing comments on the blog enables consumers to directly interact with the business. Savvy companies should also have at least two social media profiles. These enable more direct interaction with consumers and drive people to the website.