Top Three Ways to Make Your Blog Shine

Aug 10, 2015

Blogs are one of the Internet’s favored platforms for sharing information. From their humble origins as personal “web logs,” or online journals, they have come into their own as a way for just about anyone to reach a committed audience consistently. However, unless your blog is a daily feed of canoodling kittens or a mega news outlet, it takes some know-how to blog in a way that builds bottom-line results for business.

1. The most important blogging tip is to pack your blog with exciting content. This will bring people back for more and make them want to follow you. So, what qualifies as exciting content? It doesn’t have to be something you wrote yourself. Much of the most popular content online is shared: posted and reposted until it goes viral. When you do generate your own content, make sure to get the most out of it by offering it to other sites to be reposted, and beef it up with pictures, videos, and links, as well.

2. Feed your reader’s desire to learn. Small businesses offer a unique and valuable experience to consumers. Make sure they know this, and make them want to learn more. Interesting headlines, articles with a hook early in the piece, and inside information that they can only get from you builds curiosity that makes them click. It also convinces them that the services offered by your small business are what they need.

3. Just like any other media platform, knowing how to blog is about knowing your audience. Visualize the people you would like to attract to the business, and think about what would interest them and make them want to engage with the product or service offered. Make a list of the characteristics for your target audience. For example, what age group is your audience? Are they homeowners or renters? Men, women, or both? Married or single? Wealthy, middle class, or low income?

Remembering these tips will help you improve any blog. Mastering an online marketing strategy requires long-term planning and commitment. The rewards can be vast. To learn more about how to blog for the biggest impact, get in touch with BCI Media Services.