Techniques for a Highly-Effective Holiday Email Marketing Strategy

Oct 6, 2015

It may only be October, but that doesn’t mean it’s too early to start planning your holiday email marketing strategy. We understand that most stores’ holiday sales make up a large portion of their yearly sales. With that in mind, our marketing experts offer these tips for an effective holiday email marketing strategy.


Start planning early. 

The earlier you start planning, the more effective a holiday email marketing strategy you can create.  Draft your messages and schedule them well in advance of the holidays. That way you can relax and enjoy the season knowing your marketing materials have already been crafted.

Offer promotions. 

Many companies aren’t sure how to craft messages relating to holiday specials when their product or service doesn’t have anything to do with the holidays. Approach it from a broad perspective. Try promotions of special deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. The days when customers plan to spend the most on discounted goods.

Optimize emails for responsiveness. 

Most people access email primarily on their smartphones. Your marketing emails should be optimized for responsiveness on mobile and tablet devices. This means the content adjusts to fit the screen of the device it’s displayed on, making it easier for the user to read and click through. A major benefit to this? Subscribers can have access to your emails and promotional information while they’re out shopping!

Keep it short and sweet. 

Depending on your business, it’s probably a good idea to send out a few extra emails over the holiday season to promote holiday discounts. Your customer is already being inundated with marketing messages from a hundred other companies. Make sure that your message is memorable. Emails should be fairly short and sweet, they should have an impact, and should engage customers with a call to action.

Don’t overdo it. 

Craft your marketing messages carefully. Feel free to be creative with subject lines and messages, but keep it simple and tasteful. Most people will appreciate a little bit of festivity added to the email. But make sure it’s understated rather than cutesy or over-the-top.


For more assistance with your holiday email marketing strategy, contact the experts at BCI Media Services.