Retargeting Will Maximize Your Holiday Business

Nov 10, 2015

Every year, more and more shoppers turn to the Internet for their holiday shopping, and this year will be no different. You want a marketing strategy that does more than simply drive consumers to your website. You want to make sure they’re actually making purchases. A strong retargeting strategy can make that happen.

Retargeting, which Google calls “remarketing,” uses cookies to make sure that potential customers who have visited your website will continue to see your ads while they are on other sites. Retargeting ads during the holidays will greatly increase your profits.

The way it works is if a potential holiday shopper visits your website but leaves before making a purchase, a dynamic ad will appear that shows them the item they were viewing. For example, if a shopper was looking at kids’ shoes, those same shoes would appear in ads on other web pages. This can be especially helpful when a customer left an item in their shopping cart but didn’t check-out, as the targeted ad may remind them to finish the transaction.

Shoppers spend a lot of time on Facebook, which is why retargeting ads on this network during the holidays is so important. The website has billions of users, so it is likely that your potential customers are among them. Retargeting will put your ads in consumers’ news feeds. Not only will this attract the shopper who has already been on your website, they may also share your ad, which can broaden your exposure.

Now is the time to start planning your holiday marketing strategy. Many people start buying gifts before Halloween, and many others are gathering ideas.

Your potential customers are going to be inundated with advertising, so you want to make sure your products are fresh in their minds by retargeting ads during the holidays. Contact the professionals at BCI Media Services to learn how our Retargeting Advertising Package can help your business this holiday season.