Join us for Content Marketing Strategy 101

Apr 22, 2016

Content Marketing. This term is pretty common these days, and you may have been hearing quite a bit about it. It may seem like a buzzword to you, or maybe you already know the power of digital content and getting your businessContent Marketing Strategy 101 Seminar at BCI Media Services found in the search results. Whether you are already creating content for your business in the form of social posts, images on your website, or informative articles on your products and services, or just desperately need to get started, having a s
trategy will help you reach your business and marketing goals, and know what those goals are!

Join us on our home turf for a complimentary presentation on Content Marketing Strategy 101 with Kricket Lewis on May 20, 2016. Starting at 7:45 am, we welcome you for coffee, tea, breakfast snacks and a deep dive into the steps of creating a strong content marketing strategy focused on your business.

You’ll walk away with informative reference materials and steps you can start working into your marketing strategy immediately!

                                         When:                         Friday May 20, 2016 from 7:45 am to 9:15 am

                                         Register:                    BCI Media Services Seminar Series     

                                            (Seating is limited so please be sure to register!)

From learning the basics of what Content Marketing is, and how it affects your business, to learning 8 steps to get you started to successfully building your own Content Marketing campaign, this presentation is mea
nt to help you build a strong foundation, or get more from what you are already doing.

Just some of the information to be covered will include:

  1. Defining Business Goals as they pertain to your Content Marketing Strategies.
  2. Understanding Your Audience and How to Talk to Them. As a step a lot of us may overlook, writing for your audience will help you connect more with the customers that matter.
  3. Knowing what your Competitive Advantages are for Content Marketing. Taking what you know about your business a step further and looking at what you can offer with your content, can help you discover what your competitors aren’t doing, that you could be.
  4. Understanding how to Measure your Success. With many different metrics, from social engagement to how many people have visited your website, measuring your success from beginning to end, is the only way to know if you have truly succeeded.

Let us help you take the expert knowledge you already have about your business, and turn it into a successful Content Marketing Strategy that you can use to grow your business, and stay in front of your customers where they are looking for you, online!