How to Get Your Small Business Mobile Ready

Mar 8, 2016

As a small business, staying competitive is what will keep you afloat. Your website’s user experience plays a huge role in your endeavor to be a competitive, successful small business. Today, people browse and shop on their smartphones and tablets more than they do on their computers, meaning your page needs to be mobile user-friendly. BCI Media Services has some tips to help you understand how to get mobile ready and set your business up for increased mobile traffic.

A Responsive Website Design

A responsive website design is the first and possibly most important step in becoming mobile-ready. If a user cannot easily navigate your page on a mobile device, they will likely give up and move on to the next website. BCI Media Services has designed countless mobile-friendly websites. Our website creation services eliminate constraints, allowing your potential customer to find the information they need when they need it. Various mobile tests are performed before a website’s release to make sure your site is running perfectly on every device.

Social Media and Marketing Materials

When all of your social media pages and marketing materials match the cleanliness and functionality of your website, your brand becomes more cohesive and recognizable. Since many social media users access these platforms on their phones, it is important to keep all of these accounts mobile-friendly, updated, and engaging. BCI Media Services offers a variety of social media management packages that will garner consumer interaction and keep your brand looking fresh. Our digital marketing packages generate new business and keep existing customers around.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a process that uses strategic phrasing and analytic data to help your business appear higher on search engine result lists. Of all the steps on how to get mobile ready, this one is critical. Ever wonder why your page isn’t showing up on Google? It’s because your SEO needs work. BCI Media Services provides SEO packages that will help rank your site higher than your competitors on search engine result lists. Your customers are always searching on their phones, so make sure you rank in mobile searches.

These three things can make all the difference in running a successful small business. Contact BCI Media Services to get more information on how to get mobile ready!