How Facebook’s News Feed Changes Will Affect your Marketing Strategy

Feb 15, 2018

 Changes are coming to Facebook


Change is constant, especially when Facebook is the subject. Since the introduction of Facebook in 2004, many changes have been made to the social media platform: The News Feed was first introduced in 2006 and since then notifications, pages, and algorithms have played a major role in shaping the Facebook we know today. In the next few months, users might notice that the News Feed is changing. A transition that longer users might recognize, showing more posts from Facebook friends and less from pages.

With change comes the need to adapt. This is not the first time that Facebook has made a major change to the social media platform. Constant change is what keeps our content marketing team at BCI Media Services on top of the latest updates and trends.


Zuckerberg’s original Facebook page (source: The Daily Dot)
c. Zuckerberg’s Facebook page today (Source: Facebook)


What is Changing?

The most recent change will affect what we see in our News Feed. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced earlier this month said that the primary goal of the News Feed will be to filter out content from businesses and brands. This will allow for posts from friends and family to become more prominent, thus encouraging “meaningful interactions between people.”


You have numerous options for connecting with others on Facebook.


Who Will The News Feed Change Impact?

While the change will generally affect each and every one of Facebook’s more than 2 billion users, the ones that will take the biggest blow are small businesses. With the News Feed transitioning to focus more on personal relationships and people and less on brands and businesses, those that relied on reaching their followers organically will need to change up their strategy.

Facebook wants you to spend less time on Facebook by
providing you with a “more valuable” experience.


What to Expect

While this change to the News Feed will not happen immediately. It is important to use the next few months to decide what route is best for your business and your content marketing strategy. When the change does take effect, businesses can expect to see a significant decrease in the organic reach of their content, a shorter video watch time and less referral traffic.

Facebook Ads

At this time, Facebook has not specified whether or not they will get rid of advertising, but our bet is that Facebook Ads is here to stay. Facebook generated over $10.3 billion in advertising revenue last quarter, yet Facebook Ads will change in its own way. Many businesses will turn their attention toward advertising efforts, meaning that the cost per ad will rise. To strategically navigate these changes, you will want to hire one of our content marketers. A proper understanding of the way that Ads Manager works, paired with specific audience targeting and ad placement will be the most important aspect of your Facebook marketing strategy.

Our team understands the ins and outs of Facebook.


If you are concerned about the future of content marketing, specifically on Facebook, don’t be. Our content fulfillment team is always adjusting to the constant changes of Facebook. This particular News Feed change is no exception. With our company’s extensive knowledge of Facebook Ads and target audiences comes the opportunity for your business to reap the benefits. It will still benefit your page to post content, but this content should be engaging and stimulate conversation.

How BCI Media Services Can Help

We offer a variety of products that will continue to help build your online presence, even with the new Facebook changes. If you have any questions or are concerned with the way that these changes will affect your social media marketing strategy, contact our team at BCI Media Services. We want to make sure that you continue to stand out above the competition.

Contact the experts at BCI Media Services at 1-800-558-7024 or [email protected].




Blog by Tiona Eversole, Content Marketing Agent