BCI Media Services Blog

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Common Google Ads Mistakes That Cost You Revenue

Common Google Ads Mistakes That Cost You Revenue

Each day, over three billion searches occur on Google, and the amount continues to increase year-over-year. The number of people using Google to find answers and products grows every day. This makes Google Ads one of the most effective marketing tools in the modern...

Reach Out to Last Minute Shoppers with Holiday Email Marketing

Shoppers are usually inundated by holiday email marketing campaigns with numerous retailers trumpeting details about their extensive selections and discounted prices. To be effective, it's crucial that your messages stand out from the rest. Consumers could skip right...

Pay-Per-Click: Am I Doing It Right?

As an online marketing expert, I get a lot of questions about pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Most come from local business owners who aren't quite sure how to use PPC marketing. When I have time, I always take a moment to review a few mistakes they might be making....

From Searching to Spending: Getting the Most from Your Paid Search

In the good old days, it was customary to pay for advertising. Print ads would appear in your local newspaper and YellowPages or on park benches and billboards around the city. In the digital age, it’s possible to design a website and put your products online for next...

Crafting Business Strategies to Meet Marketing Goals

To succeed, every business needs vision. This vision will form the foundation of an effective business marketing plan. Instead of guessing and missing the mark, put strategies to work that will propel your company into the current arena of Internet marketing and...


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“To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves.”

– Michelle Stinson Ross, Director of Marketing Operations at Apogee Results