4 Quick Tips for Sharing Video Content

Feb 24, 2016

When you’re creating a video marketing strategy, you want to create something that brings people to your website and introduces them to your brand. Creating shareable videos drives viewers to your website and your social media profiles, while also building a rapport with potential customers. These tips will help you make the best use of your video content.

1. Don’t Over-Promote Your Brand

The first mistake that people make when they start sharing videos related to their brand is to focus on their brand too heavily. People watch videos because they find them enjoyable, not because of the brand attached. You should focus first on appealing to your potential customers, then you can work your brand in later.

Essentially, you don’t want to over-promote, which might make potential customers feel like you only care about them as customers. The general rule of thumb is that only about ⅓ of your shareable content should be directly promoting your brand. The rest should be videos related to your business and your customers’ interests. For example, you would do well sharing videos related to industry tips and product reviews about twice as often as you promote your specific services.

2. Don’t Fall Into a Rut

Many people, when they share their company’s video content, share the same content on multiple different platforms. That’s perfectly fine, but if you don’t optimize the content for different platforms, you won’t reach as many people as possible. For example, hashtags are used as a way to group posts and enter conversations on Twitter. If you post your video on Twitter, you should tag it with ongoing relevant conversations. Conversely, on Tumblr, hashtags are used as commentary as much as they’re used to group items. When sharing videos on Tumblr, you want to tag your video to help it appear in a popular group, but you also want it to feature some meta-commentary about the video itself.

3. Don’t Forget Text

When videos autoplay on Facebook or Tumblr, they autoplay without any audio. That means many people watch videos on mute or they just keep scrolling if nothing grabs their attention. Adding some bold, bright lettering over the first few seconds of the video can help you grab viewers.

4. Don’t Overshare

People aren’t very fond of businesses that flood their feeds with post after post after post. You want to make sure you’re not posting too many times per day. Keep it spare. If you’re sharing videos people want to watch, they’ll seek you out.

Running a business in the 21st century definitely isn’t easy. Keeping these four tips in mind can help you optimize your Internet content.